ISY Projects
Care to the Least Center

Solar Panel Project
The installation of solar panels on the
roofs of ISY buildings became a further step towards carbon neutrality.
The project was initially begun by a student who had worked as an
intern at Mandalay Yoma, a solar panel company, during the summer of
2019. He then came back and presented to the Leadership team his
ideas. Another alumni, (Class of 2105) was working at Mandalay Yoma and
helped take the project further culminating in the fitting of solar
panels in February of 2021. After being activated we now see that
during the hours of 9am to about 4pm, ISY gets around 90% of its power
from this fantastic renewable energy source.

Kalihtaw School
Students from the ISY service learning group, Access to Education (ATE),
went to our partner school in Kalihtaw to interact and involve
themselves in activities with the students there. ISY students gained
experience of new situations and learned about education in rural
Myanmar schools, and how they manage with limited facilities. Linking to
our ISY Learner Attributes, the ISY students created suitable
activities for the Kalihtaw students, with collaboration, creativity,
and reflection paramount, learning collectively, together. Through this
experience, ISY students realize that they can make a difference in
other people's lives, emphasizing our ISY mission, that ISY is a
community of compassionate global citizens.

Care to the Least Center
ISY has had a long standing relationship with the Care to the Least Center. This organization is an orphanage based in Yangon.
As part of our Service Learning program, ISY students have regularly
engaged with children from the center in recreational activities. ISY
after school service learning clubs have also collected and donated
second hand clothes and games for the children.